
Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Looking Forward


So, the 1-month intense ‘Internationalisation, Trade and Markets’ choice course has come to a close since my last post. I would highly recommend choosing it, mainly because the tutor was very helpful and taught in a way that was critical and constructive, whilst being supportive and inclusive. This has got me starting to think about my choices for next year.

Here are the courses that are compulsory for my third year:

  • Project (Economics & International Business)
  • Applied Econometrics

And here are the courses that I can choose 2 of:

  • Economics of Finance & Investment
  • Economics of International Development and Finance
  • Managerial Economics
  • Monetary Economics
  • Global Macroeconomics
  • Labour Economics, Policy and Regulation

These courses will be the same for anyone currently studying BSc Economics, but some are different for students starting it in September 2015.

From my experience in ‘Internationalisation, Trade and Markets,’ I have come to realise how essential the tutor is to engaging students in the content, and ultimately their success in that course. Therefore, I will not only be looking at whether the course content immediately jumps out at me, but also many other things such as the main lecturer and tutor, and balancing workload throughout the year in coursework and exams.
Meanwhile, things have been productive with the Greenwich Pluralism in Economics Society. We had our launching event last week, entitled ‘What is Pluralism?’ which had a fantastic turnout, and I hope that we gave people a general idea of what the movement towards pluralism is about. It was my first time hosting an event of that sort, and it was a thoroughly educating experience for me. We were riding a delicate balance between giving people enough information to be able to understand what pluralism is and its aspects, whilst keeping the event accessible for everyone, no matter what their background or topic of study.

We have another event coming up on Tuesday 17th March, which everyone is welcome to! Find out more info at: or join our society for free at to receive updates about upcoming events and become part of the movement!


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